Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Personality Test

Delinn i have taken the test which you recommended in your blog. Here's the results...hehehe

The four aspects that make up this personality type are:

Summary of Go-getters

Inventive, resourceful problem solvers with a love of life
Can be tough-minded when necessary
Think of themselves as enthusiastic, determined and alert
May become frustrated by rules and routines
More about Go-getters

Go-getters are active, flexible people who put a great deal of energy into life. This group prefers learning on the job to quiet study and willingly jumps into almost any situation. Others are attracted to the Go-getter's positive attitude and enthusiasm.

Go-getters are most likely to say they dislike reading poetry books, according to a UK survey.

Go-getters find fun ways to tackle problems head-on and don't worry too much about rules. They are good at using logic to assess the situation and finding realistic solutions.

In situations where they can't use their talents or are unappreciated, Go-getters may reject all routines and put fun ahead of responsibilities. Under extreme stress, Go-getters may become overwhelmed by thinking of all the things that could possibly go wrong.

Go-getters may be liable to forget important dates such as a loved one's birthday

Go-getter Careers

Go-getters are attracted to a variety of careers, especially those which require attention to detail.